Nicosia Walk: Nicosia in Search of Atopy: A Walk-to-Write Experience
Nicosia in Search of Atopy: A Walk-to-Write Experience
Date: 16th of November, Saturday
Time: 10:30-13:45
Starting Point: Home for Cooperation / Ending Point: Rustem Bookstore
Facilitator: Dr Salamis Aysegul Sentug-Tugyan
Participation fee: €7
***Online registration is mandatory and will be completed with the confirmation of the online purchase. Please remember to bring a valid ID/Passport with you as we will pass from the crossing points, and arrive at the Home for Cooperation at least 10 minutes before the start of the walk.***
10:30-13:00 Guided walk
13:00-13:45 Writing Workshop
This Walk-to-Write Experience is a literary psychogeography walk that aims to initiate a dialogue with the literatures of Cyprus through Nicosia’s literary landmarks, while also exploring the concept of atopy within the city.
It invites participants to explore the concept of “atopy” – things that are out of place or unusual – within the context of the literatures of Cyprus (Cypriot literature or literature on Cyprus).
Starting at a landmark in Nicosia, we’ll journey through the city, observing and documenting instances of atopy while drawing inspiration from literary texts. Through a series of stops, participants will weave together their observations with quotes, finishing the literary journey by creating a creative piece or critical commentary.