Welcome to THE Home for Cooperation
Officially opened in 2011, the Home for Cooperation is a unique community centre located in the middle of the dividing lines in Cyprus, in the Ledra Palace area, UN Buffer Zone, Nicosia.
Today the Home for Cooperation has become a landmark building in Nicosia, acting as a bridge-builder between separated communities, memories and visions through its physical presence and its peacebuilding programs benefiting from the transformative power of arts and culture.

Our Stories
“There is no doubt that music connects people and societies.
I cherish the similarities and the differences in both societies and have
always believed that we can further develop our shared culture by making music together. This project was the perfect way to do that.”

"My internship
experience at the Home for Cooperation has not only been a work experience; it
has been a process of discovering the hope for peace that the societies of
Cyprus grow together. I have observed how the people from different backgrounds
and believes can work unitedly in harmony for the same purpose; for peace. Now, the Home for Cooperation is a home for me where I feel that “I am not the
only one”.

“Since the day we met, I knew that I found a friendship that
I didn’t have with any of my friends until now. Then, we found ourselves in the
“Time is Ripe” project and the “United by Sound” together. The vocal and video
recording process was extremely enjoyable. Even though each of us recorded
their parts separately, I still felt part of a team. The energy of people who
work for this cause is unbelievable. The song really stands up for love and
friendship between Cypriots, and without any prejudices. I hope for better

Partners & Collaborators

Place: Nicosia
Place: Nicosia
Place: Home for Cooperation