To mark Pride Month 2022, Dr Loizos Kapsalis is joined by LGBTQI+ scholars and activists for a walking tour of Nicosia.

During the walk we will visit sites that have played an important part in the formation of LGBTQI+ social networks and have figured prominently in activism for LGBTQI+ rights in Cyprus.

We will begin to think about how members of the LGBTQI+ community have used the urban space of Nicosia historically and what role the town’s landscape has played in the production and regulation of gender and sexuality. This walk is an attempt to collect and share stories and experiences of queer politics and culture on the island.

The walk will start and finish at Home for Cooperation and will include both sides of the buffer zone. Therefore, ID cards will be needed for the crossings. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
Guide: Dr. Loizos Kapsalis
Language: English
Participation Fee: €15

Registrations: ahdr@ahdr.info
00357 22 445 740 (ext.108) / 0090 533 853 7470
City tours are organized by the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) and the Home for Cooperation.
Photo credit: Ziba Sertbay