Going ahead with an international Performing Arts Festival despite the pandemic also meant designing alternative and interdisciplinary methods. For this, the Festival team focused on the process of creation rather than once-off performances. In this way, it provided artists with more artistic and creative space, and audiences with continued access to artistic creation. As a result, the Buffer Fringe Blog was introduced. On the Buffer Fringe blog, audiences could find the documentation of the experiences and works of the participating artists as well as watch performances being live streamed during the Festival days.
The Festival live-streamed all performances to reach to an audience beyond the limitations of the pandemic. Performances physically took place in November and December on both sides of Nicosia and in New York at the Gallatin Galleries.
The Buffer Fringe Blog, which hosted the creative processes of the performances under the 2020 (and 2021) edition is now being transformed to a fully functional website to respond to the needs of the growing festival. The new outlook of the website will be released soon, and will be live on www.bufferfringe.org.
All documented processes hosted under the blog is now available on the Home for Cooperation website, accessible on the slider on top of this page and here.