Ahmad Baba

Ahmad Baba

Ahmad Baba

Buffer Fringe 2023 Co-Curator

Ahmad Baba is a Lebanese multidisciplinary performance artist, dance movement therapist and curator, who is based in Berlin.

Employing a critical approach to art practices, he meticulously constructs performances that are multilayered, utilizing the body as an archive to connect the past and reimagine the question of future, reshaping virtual realities through the incorporation of multimedia, dance, and interactive elements.

Baba’s work is firmly grounded in his interest in body politics and non-western manuscripts, which serves as a foundation for inquiries into power structures, taxonomies of identities, and relational methodologies. His performances are exquisitely personalized, reflecting his unique experiences and worldview, and seek to disrupt conventional pedagogies around performance and body work that perpetuate hegemonic ideologies.

Beyond his prodigious work as a performance artist, Baba holds an MA in Dance Movement Therapy, where his focus lies in the use of accessible body psychotherapy as critical tools for both individual and collective transformation on mental and emotional levels. Placing a particular emphasis on migrant racialized sexual and gender minorities that struggle with accessing inclusive and anti-oppressive therapies in Germany.

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