Minilingo! Bilingual Cards Game

Minilingo! Bilingual Cards Game

The Minilingo is a bilingual educational card game, featuring 42 cards with simple and colourful illustrations of words and their pronunciations, in pairs of Greek and Turkish, developed as a result of the collaboration between the World Wide Buddies and the Home for Cooperation.

The Minilingo also features a bonus card, with shared words in Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot dialects.

From the game:

“Words are the most powerful tool of communication and learning a new language is a great way to understand and connect with pepople. We hope that this game will introduce you to a new culture and spark your curiosity to learn more!”

The Minilingo in Greek and Turkish cards is for playing memory, snap and other game you can think of!

The game is developed with the idea of  sparking curiosity and increasing awareness towards different languages and communities that co-exists in Cyprus. Although the Minilingos are designed as a childrens’ game, adults who are interested in learning Greek or Turkish, can greatly benefit from using the cards. The cards feature words that are used and easily observable around in daily life.

Minilingo in Greek and Turkish is now available to purchase online on our store to be dispatched or picked up from our offices. Learn more here.

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