Buffer Fringe Festival 2023 / 10th Edition
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Γιορτάζοντας τη 10η διοργάνωσή του, το Φεστιβάλ Παραστατικών Τεχνών Buffer Fringe (BFPAF 23) σας προσκαλεί να αφεθείτε στη φετινή ιδιαίτερη διοργάνωσή του, για να βιώσετε τη μεταμορφωτική δύναμη των παραστατικών τεχνών να προκαλούν φυσικά και καλλιτεχνικά εμπόδια. Μεταξύ 5 και 7 Οκτωβρίου, το Φεστιβάλ θα φιλοξενήσει διάφορα έργα παραστατικών τεχνών και εγκαταστάσεων από ντόπιους και διεθνείς καλλιτέχνες.
Recognizing our unique responsibility to contribute to peacebuilding efforts in Cyprus, this year through the theme of ‘Turning Point’, we invited artists to creatively respond to the question: ‘What comes next?’. Through this theme, BFPAF23 aspires to envision the embodiment of change using transformative objects and original methods and perspectives into our common future.
THURSDAY 5th of October, at Home for Cooperation / Ledra Palace Buffer Zone (FREE ENTRANCE)
THURSDAY 5th of October, at Home for Cooperation / Ledra Palace Buffer Zone (FREE ENTRANCE)
19:00-19:30 Opening
19:30-20:15 SALT by Volta Collective (USA)
20:30-21:00 How to Leave Your Body on the Verge of Blue? by Omar Adel (DE)
21:30-22:10 Rest of it AI by Marlen Puello (SE)
22:30-23:30 Overall Progress by Baran Sakar (CY)
19:30-20:15 SALT by Volta Collective (USA)
20:30-21:00 How to Leave Your Body on the Verge of Blue? by Omar Adel (DE)
21:30-22:10 Rest of it AI by Marlen Puello (SE)
22:30-23:30 Overall Progress by Baran Sakar (CY)
. cloud.torrent by Shameru Collective (CY)
. CYENSverse by CYENS Centre of Excellence (CY)
. cloud.torrent by Shameru Collective (CY)
. CYENSverse by CYENS Centre of Excellence (CY)
FRIDAY 6th of October, at Gardens of the Future
19:00-19:45 Metamorfose by Gustavo Silvestre (BR)
20:00-20:55 CASSANDRA we have a problem by Paula Carrara & Carlos Canhameiro (IT)
21:30-22:30 ANTIGONE, A HUBRIS by OMADA7 (GR)
20:00-20:55 CASSANDRA we have a problem by Paula Carrara & Carlos Canhameiro (IT)
21:30-22:30 ANTIGONE, A HUBRIS by OMADA7 (GR)
SATURDAY 7th of October at Rüstem Bookshop
SATURDAY 7th of October at Rüstem Bookshop
19:30-20:20 Wall of Babel by Nefeli Kentoni (UK)
20:30-21:30 #notl by Tony Bulandra Theater (RO)
22:00-00:00 Closing Party!
20:30-21:30 #notl by Tony Bulandra Theater (RO)
22:00-00:00 Closing Party!
WEDNESDAY 4th of October at Rüstem Bookstore
18:00-20:00 Workshop: Character’s Toolcase by Art Vouveau
18:00-20:00 Workshop: Character’s Toolcase by Art Vouveau
FRIDAY 6th of October at The Common Room at Prozak
15:00-18:00 Workshop: Colliding Bodies by Volta Collective
15:00-18:00 Workshop: Colliding Bodies by Volta Collective
SATURDAY 7th of October at The Common Room at Prozak
12:00-15:00 Workshop: TAKING THE FLOOR_ Body and Voice in the Space by Paula Carrara & Carlos Canhameiro
12:00-15:00 Workshop: TAKING THE FLOOR_ Body and Voice in the Space by Paula Carrara & Carlos Canhameiro
SUNDAY 8th of October at Home for Cooperation / Ledra Palace Buffer Zone
19:00-19:45 Floating: A Work in Progress by Art Vouveau
19:00-19:45 Floating: A Work in Progress by Art Vouveau
For full details on artists, schedule, tickets, and theme Turning Point, CLICK HERE.
Buffer Fringe Performing Arts Festival benefits from the KYPRIA grant and a grant under the Active Citizens Fund through the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021, financed by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
The 2023 edition of the Buffer Fringe is co-curated by Ahmad Baba, a participating artist from the 2022 edition, and Eleni Angastiniotou, representing Visual Voices, in collaboration with the Home for Cooperation team.
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