5th of October 2023 | 19:30-20:15

Home for Cooperation


About the performance:

SALT is an immersive performance that enables audience members to experience a collapsing relationship through scent, sound, dance, and poetry. Directed and choreographed by Mamie Green and Meg Paradowski of Volta, SALT makes audiences question their assumptions of right and wrong, truth and power, all while leaving everyone with conflicting conclusions about what was just witnessed.


Directed and choreographed by Mamie Green and Megan Paradowski of Volta Written by Sammy Loren and Ellington Wells Recorded music composed and performed by Melissa Achten & Eli Klausner Original Scents by Saskia-Wilson Brown Performed by Ryley Polak, Marirosa Crawford, Ellington Wells, August Gray Gall, Megan Paradowski, Mamie Green Costumes by Lily Abbitt



Volta Collective’s participation in Buffer Fringe is supported by the U.S Embassy in Cyprus.

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